Organic Origami Home : Organic Origami Gallery : Paper Work: When Paper Becomes Art.  

   Paper Work: When Paper Becomes Art.

My contributions to Paper Work at the Oakland International Airport. The exhibition is open from February 2 until April 28 2013.

Paper pieces
  1. Half-wheel 2. Accuracy is overrated 3. All fours 4. Bowl
  20halfwheel.jpg 32-accuracy.jpg 33hesperaloe.jpg 35purse.jpg
  5. Untitled 6. Almost second order 7. Second order plate 8. Shifted dissection
  38untitled.jpg 40AlmostSecondOrder.jpg 41SecondOrderPlate.jpg 42ShiftedDissection.jpg
  9. Twisted pleats 10. Irregular grid 11. Metaleaf  
  43TwistedPleats.jpg 44IrregularGrid.jpg 45Metaleaf.jpg  

   Metal pieces

  1. Rearranged pleats in iron 2. Infinite twist 3. Upside-down bowl  
  81rearrangedpleatsiron.jpg 90infinitetwist.jpg 95upsidedownbowl.jpg  

   Photographs taken at my studio by Torreya Cummings

  1. At desk 2. With a copper piece 3. Flower bowl 4. Curry yellow
  Goran1.jpg Goran2.jpg Goran3.jpg Goran5.jpg